I recorded the audio used in this video at a friends house last weekend. There was fifteen minutes of data to analyze, but I only used a few voices in the video. Most of them were inconclusive, but the ones I did find are pretty convincing. There is one voice in particular that immediately answers one of the questions asked.
We held the spirit box session on the second floor of our friends house while other guests participated in a get together downstairs. There were three of us, the two others being my wife and a friend.
The previous owner of the house died very young from a brain tumor. The current owner of the house actually knew of the man, and by complete coincidence also owns his old car. We were hoping we would hear from him, but a lot of the voices were hard to understand.
My wife only asked two questions and got an immediate response to her first question. She simply asked if her grandfather was present. Play the video below to hear for yourself.
My wife only asked two questions and got an immediate response to her first question. She simply asked if her grandfather was present. Play the video below to hear for yourself.