Posted above is my "exciting" YouTube trailer for my paranormal channel "Solo Ghost Hunter". Around YouTube I noticed other members doing a similar thing, creating mini trailers or commercials promoting their own channels. I thought I'd give it a try and I'm pretty happy with how it came out. I linked my videos that are having the most success thus far to it to try to entice viewers to visit my channel and subscribe, or to at least view one of my other videos.
It's been slow going over the past four years as far as attracting new subscribers. From doing my own research I know that the paranormal genre isn't the best one to get into for total views and a huge subscriber base, but it's the most most rewarding for me.
I'm doing real work here, trying to answer questions I've had since I was a child and that I know everyone else has had. Somewhere along the way people forget, become disinterested, or completely close-minded due to upbringing or religion. That's another discussion all together, but my point is that most other channels whip something up quickly for their viewers to consume and digest and find that their viewers become demanding and are hungry for more the very next day. The people that may be interested in the paranormal on YouTube aren't spending most of their time looking for content like mine. For the most part they want empty calories and don't want to be challenged or actually have to think. I can't simply sit in front of a web cam and spit out a piece of crap in five minutes. I have to spend hours upon hours of analysing data before I can even get into the editing and marketing phase of my videos.
If you're not one of the "fast food zombies" and are reading this, or have even seen one of my videos I applaud you and not because you're watching my content, but because you're thinking and looking for answers beyond what the status quo has laid out for us. I didn't intend for this blog post to become my philosophical point of view, but I suppose this has just been sitting latent below the surface for a while. If you've read this I hope I've helped you in some way. If not, then just go watch one of my videos you zombie, and make sure you hit the subscribe button on the way out. :)