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Saturday, 26 January 2013

Clear Ghost Box Responses at Ross Bay Cemetery

          On Saturday, January 19th, 2013, two friends and I conducted a paranormal investigation at Ross Bay cemetery in Victoria B.C.  This video contains footage taken while investigating between 2300 and 0030 hours.  We used various ghost hunting tools throughout the night, such as, an EMF detector, a K2 meter, a PSB7 ghost box, a digital audio recorder, a phantom light and a full spectrum camera.

          As you will see in the video, shortly after beginning the ghost box session we began getting immediate and accurate responses.  The answers were very specific, personal and clear.  Usually responses are a little more cryptic and much more patience is required.

          I'm extremely pleased with the results of the investigation and that Chris and Stephan were able to experience true evidence on their very first time out.