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Friday, 31 January 2014

Spirit Communication at Macaulay Battery in Esquimalt / Victoria B.C. (ghost box session)

          This video contains sections of a ghost box session that was conducted at Macaulay Earthworks Battery in Esquimalt / Victoria B.C., during July of 2013.

          There are many direct, quick, and intelligent responses during this session.  However, one name in particular that was mentioned piqued my curiosity.  It was meaningless until I actually researched it online.  Once I saw the name over and over in Victoria's military history it couldn't be dismissed as a random voice coming from a radio station, as many skeptics assert.

           "Major James Peters" was a prominent Canadian officer during a large portion of the battery's history, in which he would've overseen day to day operations there.  It stands to reason that his voice being mentioned isn't mere coincidence, but more consistent with a two way conversation; one party being anxious to communicate after not being heard by the physical realm, for possibly a long time.

          These types of historic responses that can be directly tied to a locations past are the "gold standard" for ghost box responses.  It lends absolute credence to the voice actually coming from an intelligent consciousness, that is actively responding to us in real time.  It's far less likely in my opinion that we are simply misinterpreting a voice coming from a radio station.  If it's a coincidence, the odds are astronomical that we were at that specific location, at that specific moment, to receive that specific content.

          I already know what I believe.  It's not a question in my mind, but I endeavour to find convincing proof to help nudge those that may still be on the fence when it comes to the "unexplained".

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